ADEN Projects

Overview of ADEN

ADEN stands for Advanced Data Structures, Embedded Systems, and Networking. This is a class focused on the application of data structures and algorithms for programs such as a calculator and a simulated elevator. This is one of the classes I am taking in my sophomore year of high school, and although it can be frustrating at times, it has taught me many of the principles for application design and how to work as a team. 

Project Gallery


A collection of four different hashing algorithms using Linear Probing, Quadratic Probing, LinkedList, and Cuckoo hashing to resolve collisions. 

Start: 3/27/23

Finish: 4/28/23

Huffman Compression

An implementation of the Huffman Compression algorithm first created in 1952. This project utilized binary trees and traversals to create lossless compressions of text files.

Start: 1/30/23

Finish: 3/18/23

Elevator Simulation

A simulated elevator using a finite state machine and the MVC design paradigm. 

Team members: Joshua Tang, Ethan Park, Thomas (Zhiyuan) Li

Start: 11/7/22

Finish: 12/21/22

Expression Evaluator

Text based calculator.

Start: 10/20/22

Finish: 10/30/22